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Digitální optický kabel 2 metry, konektory Toslink Male + Tosling Male, průměr 2,2 mm, barva černá. Pozlacená objímka zabraňující korozi s maximální ochranou špičky vlákna.

Video zde:
BOOMBOX Kenwood CR-100, made in Japan, rok výroby 1985 – 1986.
Rádio má tyto vlnové rozsahy: LW, MW SW a FM 88 – 108 MHz. Dva LED indikátory: baterie a stereo přijmu. Na přední straně se nachází výstup na sluchátka, knoflíky hlasitosti, balance, tónové clony a ladění, dále přepínač vlnových rozsahů, přepínač rádio AM/FM/přehrávání kazet a přepínač mono/stereo/wide-stereo. Rádio má celkem čtyři reproduktory pro dokonalý přednes hudby i mluveného slova.
Na zadní straně přijímače je umístěn konektor na nahrávání EC/PB, dva vstupy pro pravý a levý mikrofon.
Kazetová mechanika je funkční, přetáčí tam i zpět, nemám ale kazetu na vyzkoušení. Teleskopickou anténu lze vytáhnout až do výšky 106 cm (viz poslední fotografie). Prostor pro baterie čistý.
Rozměry 44 cm (šířka) x 23 cm (výška bez držadla). K odeslání ihned.
BOOMBOX Kenwood CR-100, made in Japan, rok výroby 1985 – 1986.
Rádio má tyto vlnové rozsahy: LW, MW SW a FM 88 – 108 MHz. Dva LED indikátory: baterie a stereo přijmu. Na přední straně se nachází výstup na sluchátka, knoflíky hlasitosti, balance, tónové clony a ladění, dále přepínač vlnových rozsahů, přepínač rádio AM/FM/přehrávání kazet a přepínač mono/stereo/wide-stereo. Rádio má celkem čtyři reproduktory pro dokonalý přednes hudby i mluveného slova.
Na zadní straně přijímače je umístěn konektor na nahrávání EC/PB, dva vstupy pro pravý a levý mikrofon.
Kazetová mechanika je funkční, přetáčí tam i zpět, nemám ale kazetu na vyzkoušení. Teleskopickou anténu lze vytáhnout až do výšky 106 cm (viz poslední fotografie). Prostor pro baterie čistý.
Rozměry 44 cm (šířka) x 23 cm (výška bez držadla). K odeslání ihned.

Koaxiální kabel 75 ohm, délka 10 metrů, průměr 5 mm, plus rozbočovač. Zásilkovna (levnější), Česká pošta.

Prodám televizi Hyundai HLH-22920 s dálkovým ovládáním. K provozu je nutný set-top box pro příjem DVB-T2 vysílání. Nefinguje DVD přehrávač.
Hyundai LCD Televizor 22", DVB-T HLH 22920
Úhlopříčka 22" (56cm)
Rozlišení 1680x1050 pxl
Jas 300 (cd/m2)
Kontrastní poměr 1000:1
Doba odezvy 8 ms
Pozorovací úhly (hor./ver.) 160°/160°
Analogový a DVB-T - zabudovaný digitální tuner s podporou EPG
PAL/SECAM - B/G, D/K, I/I´, L/L´
Přehrávání NTSC (z AV vstupu)
Počet předvoleb (analog./digital.) 200/1000
Automatické ladění OBRAZ
HD READY - připravena na HDTV 1080i/720p
Automatické přepínání formátů
Hřebenový filtr zvyšující čistotu a ostrost obrazu
NICAM stereo
3D Panoramatický zvuk
Výstupní výkon 2x4 W
Počet stran 10
Toptext FUNKCE
Časový spínač pro vypnutí
Dětská pojistka
Hotelový mód (pasivní)
Samostatná regulace hlasitosti sluchátek
Podpora formátu MP3, JPG, DivX 3.x, 4.x, 5.x a vyšší, Xvid
Podpora českých DivX titulků PODPOROVANÉ FORMÁTY (USB/SD/MMC)
DivX 3.x, 4.x, 5.x a vyšší
Kompozitní video/audio vstup
Audio výstup
YPbPr komponentní vstup
PC vstup (VGA)
PC audio vstup
Sluchátkový výstup
Digitální koaxiální audio výstup
USB vstup
Slot pro SD/MMC karty
Napájení ze sítě 230V/50Hz
Příkon v pohotovostním režimu 1 W
Možnost úplného vypnutí ON/OFF
Rozměry bez podstavce: (šxvxh): 525 x 375 x 80 mm
Rozměry s podstavcem: (šxvxh): 525 x 406 x 155 mm
Váha: 5,4 kg
Rozteč otvorů pro upevnění na zeď VESA 75 x 75 mm
Hyundai LCD Televizor 22", DVB-T HLH 22920
Úhlopříčka 22" (56cm)
Rozlišení 1680x1050 pxl
Jas 300 (cd/m2)
Kontrastní poměr 1000:1
Doba odezvy 8 ms
Pozorovací úhly (hor./ver.) 160°/160°
Analogový a DVB-T - zabudovaný digitální tuner s podporou EPG
PAL/SECAM - B/G, D/K, I/I´, L/L´
Přehrávání NTSC (z AV vstupu)
Počet předvoleb (analog./digital.) 200/1000
Automatické ladění OBRAZ
HD READY - připravena na HDTV 1080i/720p
Automatické přepínání formátů
Hřebenový filtr zvyšující čistotu a ostrost obrazu
NICAM stereo
3D Panoramatický zvuk
Výstupní výkon 2x4 W
Počet stran 10
Toptext FUNKCE
Časový spínač pro vypnutí
Dětská pojistka
Hotelový mód (pasivní)
Samostatná regulace hlasitosti sluchátek
Podpora formátu MP3, JPG, DivX 3.x, 4.x, 5.x a vyšší, Xvid
Podpora českých DivX titulků PODPOROVANÉ FORMÁTY (USB/SD/MMC)
DivX 3.x, 4.x, 5.x a vyšší
Kompozitní video/audio vstup
Audio výstup
YPbPr komponentní vstup
PC vstup (VGA)
PC audio vstup
Sluchátkový výstup
Digitální koaxiální audio výstup
USB vstup
Slot pro SD/MMC karty
Napájení ze sítě 230V/50Hz
Příkon v pohotovostním režimu 1 W
Možnost úplného vypnutí ON/OFF
Rozměry bez podstavce: (šxvxh): 525 x 375 x 80 mm
Rozměry s podstavcem: (šxvxh): 525 x 406 x 155 mm
Váha: 5,4 kg
Rozteč otvorů pro upevnění na zeď VESA 75 x 75 mm

CBD Oil Vape in Pakistan | 0300-1267346 | Brand
Is CBD vape legal in Pakistan?
Criminalisation. Under the Control of Narcotics Substance Act of 1997, it is illegal to produce, manufacture, extract, prepare, possess, offer for sale, sell, purchase or distribute cannabis in Pakistan.
Is it OK to vape CBD oil?
Yes, CBD oil can be inhaled using a vaporizer. Vaporizing allows for quick absorption of the cannabinoids into your bloodstream through the lungs. It's a popular method for those seeking fast-acting relief from symptoms like anxiety or pain
Can you get CBD oil for vapes?
Yes there is a CBD oil made specifically for vaping but make sure it is from a reliable source and that you get the right product for what your intentions are, whether it is for vaping, ingesting, ect. Best of luck to you
Is CBD vape legal in Pakistan?
Criminalisation. Under the Control of Narcotics Substance Act of 1997, it is illegal to produce, manufacture, extract, prepare, possess, offer for sale, sell, purchase or distribute cannabis in Pakistan.
Is it OK to vape CBD oil?
Yes, CBD oil can be inhaled using a vaporizer. Vaporizing allows for quick absorption of the cannabinoids into your bloodstream through the lungs. It's a popular method for those seeking fast-acting relief from symptoms like anxiety or pain
Can you get CBD oil for vapes?
Yes there is a CBD oil made specifically for vaping but make sure it is from a reliable source and that you get the right product for what your intentions are, whether it is for vaping, ingesting, ect. Best of luck to you

CBD Oil Vape in Pakistan | 0300-1267346 | Brand
Is CBD vape legal in Pakistan?
Criminalisation. Under the Control of Narcotics Substance Act of 1997, it is illegal to produce, manufacture, extract, prepare, possess, offer for sale, sell, purchase or distribute cannabis in Pakistan.
Is it OK to vape CBD oil?
Yes, CBD oil can be inhaled using a vaporizer. Vaporizing allows for quick absorption of the cannabinoids into your bloodstream through the lungs. It's a popular method for those seeking fast-acting relief from symptoms like anxiety or pain
Can you get CBD oil for vapes?
Yes there is a CBD oil made specifically for vaping but make sure it is from a reliable source and that you get the right product for what your intentions are, whether it is for vaping, ingesting, ect. Best of luck to you
Is CBD vape legal in Pakistan?
Criminalisation. Under the Control of Narcotics Substance Act of 1997, it is illegal to produce, manufacture, extract, prepare, possess, offer for sale, sell, purchase or distribute cannabis in Pakistan.
Is it OK to vape CBD oil?
Yes, CBD oil can be inhaled using a vaporizer. Vaporizing allows for quick absorption of the cannabinoids into your bloodstream through the lungs. It's a popular method for those seeking fast-acting relief from symptoms like anxiety or pain
Can you get CBD oil for vapes?
Yes there is a CBD oil made specifically for vaping but make sure it is from a reliable source and that you get the right product for what your intentions are, whether it is for vaping, ingesting, ect. Best of luck to you

CBD Oil Vape in Pakistan | 0300-1267346 | Brand
Is CBD vape legal in Pakistan?
Criminalisation. Under the Control of Narcotics Substance Act of 1997, it is illegal to produce, manufacture, extract, prepare, possess, offer for sale, sell, purchase or distribute cannabis in Pakistan.
Is it OK to vape CBD oil?
Yes, CBD oil can be inhaled using a vaporizer. Vaporizing allows for quick absorption of the cannabinoids into your bloodstream through the lungs. It's a popular method for those seeking fast-acting relief from symptoms like anxiety or pain
Can you get CBD oil for vapes?
Yes there is a CBD oil made specifically for vaping but make sure it is from a reliable source and that you get the right product for what your intentions are, whether it is for vaping, ingesting, ect. Best of luck to you
Is CBD vape legal in Pakistan?
Criminalisation. Under the Control of Narcotics Substance Act of 1997, it is illegal to produce, manufacture, extract, prepare, possess, offer for sale, sell, purchase or distribute cannabis in Pakistan.
Is it OK to vape CBD oil?
Yes, CBD oil can be inhaled using a vaporizer. Vaporizing allows for quick absorption of the cannabinoids into your bloodstream through the lungs. It's a popular method for those seeking fast-acting relief from symptoms like anxiety or pain
Can you get CBD oil for vapes?
Yes there is a CBD oil made specifically for vaping but make sure it is from a reliable source and that you get the right product for what your intentions are, whether it is for vaping, ingesting, ect. Best of luck to you

Kamagra Oral Jelly In Pakistan
Kamagra Oral Jelly in Pakistan Is The Form Of Kamagra That Acts Like The Regular Drug But Has a Few Distinctive Features Like Pleasant Flavors And Different Dosage Guidelines. But Basically, The Two Main Forms Of Kamagra Differ From Each Other Substantially Only In The Way They Are Administered– One Is Swallowed As A Tablet While The Other One Comes As A Gel Sachet.
How Does Kamagra Oral Jelly Work?
Kamagra Oral Jelly 100mg Consists Of Sildenafil, A Phosphodiesterase Type 5 (Pde5) Inhibitor. Sildenafil In Kamagra Oral Jelly Acts On The Erectile Tissue Of The Penis To Growth Blood Stream Into The Penis, That’s Needed To Reason An Erection. At Some Point Of Sexual Stimulation Nitric Oxide Is Launched Within The Erectile Tissue Of The Penis Which Turns On The Enzyme Guanylate Cyclase. This Enzyme Will Increase Degrees Of A Chemical Known As Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate (Cgmp), Which Complements The Capillary Within The Penis And Enables Blood To Fill The Spongy Erectile Tissues To Trigger An Erection.
Kamagra Oral Jelly in Pakistan Is The Form Of Kamagra That Acts Like The Regular Drug But Has a Few Distinctive Features Like Pleasant Flavors And Different Dosage Guidelines. But Basically, The Two Main Forms Of Kamagra Differ From Each Other Substantially Only In The Way They Are Administered– One Is Swallowed As A Tablet While The Other One Comes As A Gel Sachet.
How Does Kamagra Oral Jelly Work?
Kamagra Oral Jelly 100mg Consists Of Sildenafil, A Phosphodiesterase Type 5 (Pde5) Inhibitor. Sildenafil In Kamagra Oral Jelly Acts On The Erectile Tissue Of The Penis To Growth Blood Stream Into The Penis, That’s Needed To Reason An Erection. At Some Point Of Sexual Stimulation Nitric Oxide Is Launched Within The Erectile Tissue Of The Penis Which Turns On The Enzyme Guanylate Cyclase. This Enzyme Will Increase Degrees Of A Chemical Known As Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate (Cgmp), Which Complements The Capillary Within The Penis And Enables Blood To Fill The Spongy Erectile Tissues To Trigger An Erection.

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Da Zeagra Oil at Best Price In Pakistan Da Zeagra Oil Strength Bond of Love and Romance Power Massage Oil for Men, 25 ml Pack Enhances and Enjoys the Performance of Love Increased displays of love Enjoy Love Massage Oil For Male to satiate a delayed craving To protect your privacy and security, this item is listed as Discreet Shipping. Pakistani Da Zeagra Oil Price Pakistani Da Zeagra Oil Men’s Power Massage Oil a minimal 25 ml Ayurvedic Oil for Massage Net Content. Use before: three years from the date of manufacture Ayurvedic experts’ revolutionary formula Ayurvedic Oil for Men Only, a limiting formula. similar to a massage oil made from an entirely safe ayurvedic preparation. Pakistani Da Zeagra Oil Price This is not an adult.

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Da Zeagra Oil at Best Price In Pakistan Da Zeagra Oil Strength Bond of Love and Romance Power Massage Oil for Men, 25 ml Pack Enhances and Enjoys the Performance of Love Increased displays of love Enjoy Love Massage Oil For Male to satiate a delayed craving To protect your privacy and security, this item is listed as Discreet Shipping. Pakistani Da Zeagra Oil Price Pakistani Da Zeagra Oil Men’s Power Massage Oil a minimal 25 ml Ayurvedic Oil for Massage Net Content. Use before: three years from the date of manufacture Ayurvedic experts’ revolutionary formula Ayurvedic Oil for Men Only, a limiting formula. similar to a massage oil made from an entirely safe ayurvedic preparation. Pakistani Da Zeagra Oil Price This is not an adult.

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Da Zeagra Oil at Best Price In Pakistan Da Zeagra Oil Strength Bond of Love and Romance Power Massage Oil for Men, 25 ml Pack Enhances and Enjoys the Performance of Love Increased displays of love Enjoy Love Massage Oil For Male to satiate a delayed craving To protect your privacy and security, this item is listed as Discreet Shipping. Pakistani Da Zeagra Oil Price Pakistani Da Zeagra Oil Men’s Power Massage Oil a minimal 25 ml Ayurvedic Oil for Massage Net Content. Use before: three years from the date of manufacture Ayurvedic experts’ revolutionary formula Ayurvedic Oil for Men Only, a limiting formula. similar to a massage oil made from an entirely safe ayurvedic preparation. Pakistani Da Zeagra Oil Price This is not an adult.
Da Zeagra Oil at Best Price In Pakistan Da Zeagra Oil Strength Bond of Love and Romance Power Massage Oil for Men, 25 ml Pack Enhances and Enjoys the Performance of Love Increased displays of love Enjoy Love Massage Oil For Male to satiate a delayed craving To protect your privacy and security, this item is listed as Discreet Shipping. Pakistani Da Zeagra Oil Price Pakistani Da Zeagra Oil Men’s Power Massage Oil a minimal 25 ml Ayurvedic Oil for Massage Net Content. Use before: three years from the date of manufacture Ayurvedic experts’ revolutionary formula Ayurvedic Oil for Men Only, a limiting formula. similar to a massage oil made from an entirely safe ayurvedic preparation. Pakistani Da Zeagra Oil Price This is not an adult.

Vega 100mg Tablets in Pakistan
Vega 100mg Tablets in Pakistan Take an Hour Before Having Sex. However, Studies Have Suggested That It Could Start Working Even Earlier. Some Men Were Able to Achieve an Erection Only 12 Minutes After Taking Vega Tablet, Although It Was Not Conclusively Proven That This Is Due to Vega. And Although the Maximum Concentration of Sildenafil in the Blood Is Not Reached Until About an Hour After Taking It (and Potentially Delays an Additional Hour if Taken With Food), It Took a Median of 27 Minutes (With a Range of 12–70 Minutes) for Men Taking Sildenafil to Start Experiencing Erections.
Vega 100mg Tablets in Pakistan Take an Hour Before Having Sex. However, Studies Have Suggested That It Could Start Working Even Earlier. Some Men Were Able to Achieve an Erection Only 12 Minutes After Taking Vega Tablet, Although It Was Not Conclusively Proven That This Is Due to Vega. And Although the Maximum Concentration of Sildenafil in the Blood Is Not Reached Until About an Hour After Taking It (and Potentially Delays an Additional Hour if Taken With Food), It Took a Median of 27 Minutes (With a Range of 12–70 Minutes) for Men Taking Sildenafil to Start Experiencing Erections.

Vega 100mg Tablets in Pakistan
Vega 100mg Tablets in Pakistan Take an Hour Before Having Sex. However, Studies Have Suggested That It Could Start Working Even Earlier. Some Men Were Able to Achieve an Erection Only 12 Minutes After Taking Vega Tablet, Although It Was Not Conclusively Proven That This Is Due to Vega. And Although the Maximum Concentration of Sildenafil in the Blood Is Not Reached Until About an Hour After Taking It (and Potentially Delays an Additional Hour if Taken With Food), It Took a Median of 27 Minutes (With a Range of 12–70 Minutes) for Men Taking Sildenafil to Start Experiencing Erections.
Vega 100mg Tablets in Pakistan Take an Hour Before Having Sex. However, Studies Have Suggested That It Could Start Working Even Earlier. Some Men Were Able to Achieve an Erection Only 12 Minutes After Taking Vega Tablet, Although It Was Not Conclusively Proven That This Is Due to Vega. And Although the Maximum Concentration of Sildenafil in the Blood Is Not Reached Until About an Hour After Taking It (and Potentially Delays an Additional Hour if Taken With Food), It Took a Median of 27 Minutes (With a Range of 12–70 Minutes) for Men Taking Sildenafil to Start Experiencing Erections.

Vega 100mg Tablets in Pakistan
Vega 100mg Tablets in Pakistan Take an Hour Before Having Sex. However, Studies Have Suggested That It Could Start Working Even Earlier. Some Men Were Able to Achieve an Erection Only 12 Minutes After Taking Vega Tablet, Although It Was Not Conclusively Proven That This Is Due to Vega. And Although the Maximum Concentration of Sildenafil in the Blood Is Not Reached Until About an Hour After Taking It (and Potentially Delays an Additional Hour if Taken With Food), It Took a Median of 27 Minutes (With a Range of 12–70 Minutes) for Men Taking Sildenafil to Start Experiencing Erections.
Vega 100mg Tablets in Pakistan Take an Hour Before Having Sex. However, Studies Have Suggested That It Could Start Working Even Earlier. Some Men Were Able to Achieve an Erection Only 12 Minutes After Taking Vega Tablet, Although It Was Not Conclusively Proven That This Is Due to Vega. And Although the Maximum Concentration of Sildenafil in the Blood Is Not Reached Until About an Hour After Taking It (and Potentially Delays an Additional Hour if Taken With Food), It Took a Median of 27 Minutes (With a Range of 12–70 Minutes) for Men Taking Sildenafil to Start Experiencing Erections.

Vega 100mg Tablets in Pakistan
Vega 100mg Tablets in Pakistan Take an Hour Before Having Sex. However, Studies Have Suggested That It Could Start Working Even Earlier. Some Men Were Able to Achieve an Erection Only 12 Minutes After Taking Vega Tablet, Although It Was Not Conclusively Proven That This Is Due to Vega. And Although the Maximum Concentration of Sildenafil in the Blood Is Not Reached Until About an Hour After Taking It (and Potentially Delays an Additional Hour if Taken With Food), It Took a Median of 27 Minutes (With a Range of 12–70 Minutes) for Men Taking Sildenafil to Start Experiencing Erections.
Vega 100mg Tablets in Pakistan Take an Hour Before Having Sex. However, Studies Have Suggested That It Could Start Working Even Earlier. Some Men Were Able to Achieve an Erection Only 12 Minutes After Taking Vega Tablet, Although It Was Not Conclusively Proven That This Is Due to Vega. And Although the Maximum Concentration of Sildenafil in the Blood Is Not Reached Until About an Hour After Taking It (and Potentially Delays an Additional Hour if Taken With Food), It Took a Median of 27 Minutes (With a Range of 12–70 Minutes) for Men Taking Sildenafil to Start Experiencing Erections.

Black Cobra 150mg Tablets in Pakistan
Black Cobra 150mg Tablets in Pakistan Rs,999/-PKR. If You Want to Purchase Original Black Cobra Tablet 125 Mg, 150mg Sildenafil Citrate Tablets in Pakistan Online Then Visit Our Official Website and Buy Imported Indian Black Cobra Tablet 150 Mg Timing Sildenafil Citrate Tablets in Pakistan.
Black Cobra Tablets in Pakistan Works by Way of Growing the Outcomes of Nitric Oxide (No), a Substance That Serves Many Key Functions in Organic Processes in the Course of the Frame. One of the Maximum Widely Known and Essential Capabilities of No is the Dilation of Blood Vessels.
Black Cobra Tablets in Pakistan(Sildenafil Citrate) Treats the Erectile Disorder (Hassle Having an Erection). Helps a Man Have an Erection or Have a Better Erection Together With His Penis at Some Stage in Intercourse. Additionally Treats Pulmonary Arterial High Blood Pressure.
Black Cobra 150mg Tablets in Pakistan Rs,999/-PKR. If You Want to Purchase Original Black Cobra Tablet 125 Mg, 150mg Sildenafil Citrate Tablets in Pakistan Online Then Visit Our Official Website and Buy Imported Indian Black Cobra Tablet 150 Mg Timing Sildenafil Citrate Tablets in Pakistan.
Black Cobra Tablets in Pakistan Works by Way of Growing the Outcomes of Nitric Oxide (No), a Substance That Serves Many Key Functions in Organic Processes in the Course of the Frame. One of the Maximum Widely Known and Essential Capabilities of No is the Dilation of Blood Vessels.
Black Cobra Tablets in Pakistan(Sildenafil Citrate) Treats the Erectile Disorder (Hassle Having an Erection). Helps a Man Have an Erection or Have a Better Erection Together With His Penis at Some Stage in Intercourse. Additionally Treats Pulmonary Arterial High Blood Pressure.

Black Cobra 150mg Tablets in Pakistan
Black Cobra 150mg Tablets in Pakistan Rs,999/-PKR. If You Want to Purchase Original Black Cobra Tablet 125 Mg, 150mg Sildenafil Citrate Tablets in Pakistan Online Then Visit Our Official Website and Buy Imported Indian Black Cobra Tablet 150 Mg Timing Sildenafil Citrate Tablets in Pakistan.
Black Cobra Tablets in Pakistan Works by Way of Growing the Outcomes of Nitric Oxide (No), a Substance That Serves Many Key Functions in Organic Processes in the Course of the Frame. One of the Maximum Widely Known and Essential Capabilities of No is the Dilation of Blood Vessels.
Black Cobra Tablets in Pakistan(Sildenafil Citrate) Treats the Erectile Disorder (Hassle Having an Erection). Helps a Man Have an Erection or Have a Better Erection Together With His Penis at Some Stage in Intercourse. Additionally Treats Pulmonary Arterial High Blood Pressure.
Black Cobra 150mg Tablets in Pakistan Rs,999/-PKR. If You Want to Purchase Original Black Cobra Tablet 125 Mg, 150mg Sildenafil Citrate Tablets in Pakistan Online Then Visit Our Official Website and Buy Imported Indian Black Cobra Tablet 150 Mg Timing Sildenafil Citrate Tablets in Pakistan.
Black Cobra Tablets in Pakistan Works by Way of Growing the Outcomes of Nitric Oxide (No), a Substance That Serves Many Key Functions in Organic Processes in the Course of the Frame. One of the Maximum Widely Known and Essential Capabilities of No is the Dilation of Blood Vessels.
Black Cobra Tablets in Pakistan(Sildenafil Citrate) Treats the Erectile Disorder (Hassle Having an Erection). Helps a Man Have an Erection or Have a Better Erection Together With His Penis at Some Stage in Intercourse. Additionally Treats Pulmonary Arterial High Blood Pressure.

Black Cobra 150mg Tablets in Pakistan
Black Cobra 150mg Tablets in Pakistan Rs,999/-PKR. If You Want to Purchase Original Black Cobra Tablet 125 Mg, 150mg Sildenafil Citrate Tablets in Pakistan Online Then Visit Our Official Website and Buy Imported Indian Black Cobra Tablet 150 Mg Timing Sildenafil Citrate Tablets in Pakistan.
Black Cobra Tablets in Pakistan Works by Way of Growing the Outcomes of Nitric Oxide (No), a Substance That Serves Many Key Functions in Organic Processes in the Course of the Frame. One of the Maximum Widely Known and Essential Capabilities of No is the Dilation of Blood Vessels.
Black Cobra Tablets in Pakistan(Sildenafil Citrate) Treats the Erectile Disorder (Hassle Having an Erection). Helps a Man Have an Erection or Have a Better Erection Together With His Penis at Some Stage in Intercourse. Additionally Treats Pulmonary Arterial High Blood Pressure.
Black Cobra 150mg Tablets in Pakistan Rs,999/-PKR. If You Want to Purchase Original Black Cobra Tablet 125 Mg, 150mg Sildenafil Citrate Tablets in Pakistan Online Then Visit Our Official Website and Buy Imported Indian Black Cobra Tablet 150 Mg Timing Sildenafil Citrate Tablets in Pakistan.
Black Cobra Tablets in Pakistan Works by Way of Growing the Outcomes of Nitric Oxide (No), a Substance That Serves Many Key Functions in Organic Processes in the Course of the Frame. One of the Maximum Widely Known and Essential Capabilities of No is the Dilation of Blood Vessels.
Black Cobra Tablets in Pakistan(Sildenafil Citrate) Treats the Erectile Disorder (Hassle Having an Erection). Helps a Man Have an Erection or Have a Better Erection Together With His Penis at Some Stage in Intercourse. Additionally Treats Pulmonary Arterial High Blood Pressure.